Community Supported Agriculture (CSA)

As many folks know, a CSA program is a relationship between a farm and the local community. Shareholders pay for their share in winter when seeds have been ordered, greenhouses are kicking into full operation and the land appears dormant. Come the beginning of harvest, shares begin to become available and shareholders have farm fresh, seasonal veggies waiting for them on their pick-up day each week.

A CSA is a great opportunity to eat seasonally, try different foods and feel a deep sense of connection to a local farm. CSA shareholders have to absolutely love what a New England harvest has to offer and have to be willing to be creative, allowing the season to dictate the dinner menu. This can be great fun and CSAs have become more popular each and every year.

For some folks, a CSA share might not be the right move. If you prefer to buy only the foods that you know your family eats, or if you absolutely hate fresh greens or tomatoes, then shopping at our farmers Market booth is just perfect for you. You still get what you want, grown locally. Either way, we appreciate your support!

Harvest Shares

We are offering two sizes of our harvest share during this season.The smaller share ($450.00) is designed for the smaller family of a couple or a couple with younger children or light veggie eaters. The larger share is designed for a family of four or five eaters. Only the larger shares will be appropriate for splitting. We wish that we could give you a more exact idea of what will be in the different share sizes but there are so many factors that contribute to the harvest that it's impossible to do so. This is the beauty of the CSA.

If folks are splitting a share, we must insist that one family picks up the share each week and that it is split once it makes it to your home. As you know, space is limited around our farm so we work hard to make sure that the traffic flow during CSA share pick-up goes as smoothly as possible. Your cooperation on this front is most appreciated!

You will notice that we have a new member fee. This is a one time charge for items that will be used in your share such as the delivery flat and packaging to keep your farm fresh vegetables as safe as possible during transport. You will need to return your packaging, with your flat on a weekly basis so that we can package your share for the following week. If you forget your packaging one week, we will ask you to offload your veggies from a flat into paper bags. We look forward to working with you to reduce the amount of packaging necessary to get your harvest share home safely and to allow us to have your share ready for pickup when you arrive.

What to Expect

The beginning of our harvest season usually kicks off around mid-June with fresh greens, high tunnel tomatoes and herbs! Every week, from mid-June through the end of October, there is something new coming into season and making its way into the CSA shares. The shares usually end with assorted winter squash, potatoes and greens. With good luck, our CSA will run approximately 16 weeks.

Because our operation supplies a number of farmer's markets, the Senior Wic Program as well as CSA's you may find items in your CSA share that we don't have at the farmers markets and vice versa. In order for a New England farm to prosper in these times, we need multiple income streams, from the CSA to farmers markets and our farm stand at St. Josephs hospital. You are always welcome to buy additional items from ourbooth to compliment your weekly share.

We are looking forward to sharing the fruits of our labor with our new CSA members. While winter drags this year, and many are anxiouse for spring we are still bussy in the greenhouse. With a little luck the season shouldn't be delayed by the late spring.